
Sedecordle is a fun word game where you need to discover the hidden words. It is like Wordle but it is harder. In Wordle, you need to find six words but in Sedecordle you need to find 16 hard words.
You guess at words and receive hints. Correct letters change to green, partly right become yellow and wrong ones stay gray. It's like a tricky puzzle!
Finding 16 five-letter words should be simple, but it is tough when you have little time. It is hard to find special words among many. You need to find words in 60 seconds.
It is hard because not every word works. You have to use a unique way of thinking.
If you enjoy riddles and discovering new facts, this game is great for you. Finding new words is fun and it makes your brain work hard. You can play by yourself or with friends who like word games that have a twist.